Q.thin king of trying knock out roses but my soil isn’t good can i plant them in containers
will they grow in containers
You can plant them in containers. Select large pots/containers that have drainage holes in the bottom. The Knock Out roses will do fine in them. I would use a medium color pot though and not a dark to black pot as that could overheat the root zone and cause problems. You could also dig holes in your garden or landscape area and refill the holes with rosebushes in them with a good bagged outdoor planting soil with compost in its mix. Add a cup of alfalfa meal and a cup of kelp meal to the planting soils and mix in well. Then once planted water them in with some water that has both a product called Super Thrive and a root stimulator product mixed into the same soils. Water them with a new batch of this mix the next 4 to 5 times they need watering and they will get going well.