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Bell Pepper Plants

Q.Thickness of the wall of the bell pepper

Anonymous added on June 2, 2015 | Answered

My bell peppers are of substantial size but the walls of the peppers are thin. This is true in all of the peppers in my garden with the exception of the jalapeno peppers. What do I need to do to get thicker walls in the peppers?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 2, 2015

Wall thickness is determined by 2 factors, genetics and nutrients. On the genetic side, seek out pepper plants that naturally grow thicker walls. On the nutrients side, make sure that the peppers have enough nutrients to grow well (you may want to get your soil tested to determine this) and that they are getting enough water to take up the nutrients in the soil. Nutrients are the building blacks the plant uses to make the fruit, so the more they have access to, the better the fruit is that they can grow.

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