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Q.The proper pot for edible indoor plants?

Zone Easton Pennsylvania | Anonymous added on December 4, 2017 | Answered

What type of pots are best for indoor plants? I mean, I’ve seen people using margarine containers. But wouldn’t that put plastic residues in the soil of the plant?

And then maybe we would end up eating that residue, with a veg. or herb plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 5, 2017

This is a good question. Plastics labeled 3, 6, and 7 (in the recycling symbol on the bottom) are thought to be the most likely to leach toxins. Other plastics are likely safer, but you may wish to avoid them all to be sure. Of course, you must consider whether the container was previously used to hold something toxic. When using old containers found in a garage or antique shop, it's best to avoid any painted containers in case the paint contains lead. Also, any salvaged wood that is stained green may contain arsenic preservatives and should not be used to build raised beds or other food gardening containers.

Terra cotta/unglazed ceramic or untreated wood gardening containers are likely safest.

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