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Sweet Bay Laurel Trees

Q.The Normally Gloss Green Leaves On My Bay Tree Are All Going Slowly Brown.

Zone South Benfleet | Paul Iliffe added on January 8, 2021 | Answered

The tree was planted from a pot over 10 years into a well drained spot in the garden. Even new growth is being affected with this issue. The whole tree looks very grey and lacking the normal glossy green associated with a bay Tree. This is the first year that the tree has been displaying this symptom.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 8, 2021

At first glance, it appears to resemble Downy mildew. Upon closer inspection, I see signs of spider mites. Together, this will cause the decline of your plant.

Here are some articles that will assist you in ridding the area of these pests:





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