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Q.the leaves only on the back of the Jatropha tree have fallen off. the front looks ok. it continues to bloom.

Zone St. Augustine, FL 32080 | esmithson added on March 7, 2019 | Answered

I’m not seeing any indication of disease. The entire tree gets the same fertilizer and water via a sprinkler system. Will the leaves grow back this spring or do I need to replace the tree? It’s about 6ft tall. Help!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 9, 2019

It's hard to diagnose plant problems remotely without photos and detailed description of growing conditions.

I would guess shading and inadequate sunlight to that side of the plant, root rot or fungal vascular disease. Jatropha is susceptible to verticillium wilt.

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