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Cherry Trees

Q.cherry trees are curling

Zone erlin Oregon | d_atkisson added on May 20, 2015 | Answered

The leaves on all my cherry trees are curling and they have tiny black insects in the curling leaves. What do I use for a spray to get rid of the bugs?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 20, 2015

It sounds like your cherry tree is afflicted with either thrips or aphids. Regardless - the treatment is the same - insectical soaps or neem oil.

For more information on thrips and aphids and a course of treatment, please visit the following links:

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Answered on May 20, 2015

my cherry trees have curling leaves with tiny black insects in the curl
my peach and plum trees just have curling leaves with out any bugs

What spray do I use to treat my trees and get rid of the leaf curl and the tiny black insects?

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