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Fig Tree

Q.The Fruit on My Fig Is Still Green

happyhut added on August 15, 2013 | Answered

This is August 15.  I live in East Tn.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 17, 2013

If you remove leaves, the possibility of sunburned fruit exists. If your plant is really thick, consider removing some of the interior stems to open it up. Prune the stem/cane/branch at the ground in early spring.

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Answered on August 16, 2013

there are so many leaves on the figs tree can you take some of the leaves off so the fruit will get sunlight to ripen or just let it alone

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Answered on August 16, 2013

We've got about 8 weeks before our first average frost, there's still plenty of time for the crop to 'make'. With all the rain, they may be a little behind schedule. (Our plants in Greene County are loaded.)

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