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Magnolia Trees

Q.Teddy Bear Magnolia Tree Shock

Zone 2008 | mellymoo added on September 23, 2020 | Answered

Hi we planted our teddy bear magnolia which was in a pot over 2m tall in to the soil and it is in shock now only 3 weeks after planting- started to brown almost straight away. The leaves have turned brown and are wilted and crisp. We have fertilised and seasol the soil and are watering multiple times per week. Should we removed all the dry leaves ? Twigs are still green when you scratch it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 24, 2020

Getting the right amount of watering can be tricky. Fresh transplants will, most often, succumb to overwatering. The soil should be allowed to dry out down to about an inch for a fresh start. If the ground stays consistently moist, there is a chance for root rot.

If it is allowed to dry out further, it can go the other way. Fresh starts cannot tolerate a full dry out, just yet.

The best way to know for certain will be to test the moisture of the soil. This article will help:


I would recommend removing leaves if they are more than half damaged. Once they reach that point it will be safe to pull them off. Otherwise, you can leave them to fall off, naturally.

Here is an article to help you with transplant shock:


This article will help you with the care of the tree:


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