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Q.Tall Phlox Buds Fell Off

Zone 5a Green Bay, WI | Anonymous added on July 1, 2022 | Answered

What would cause the buds of my tall phlox to fall off? I have been watching them with baited breath waiting for them to bloom and I was weeding the garden and found that most of the buds had fallen off onto the ground, what would cause this? HELP!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 9, 2022

I am wondering if your phlox was recently planted. Often, if buds are on a plant when first planted, those will drop off due to a change in environment. If the phlox has been there a while, check its growing requirements below, such as watering, light, etc.

Check, too, for any insects that may have been feeding under and around the buds. I did some research and this is not a common problem of phlox plants, so I'm wondering if it is a cultural issue, like too much water.





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