Q.Care of Potted Blueberry Plant in Winter
My potted blueberry bush did not blossom or bear fruit last year (first year). I brought it inside from the MI winter and wonder how to care for it so it will blossom and bear fruit this coming summer.
As far as no fruit production, do you what variety you have? If it's a 'dwarf/lowbush', you don't get a good harvest right away, as they are slow growing. It can take up to 5 years to get a significant fruiting.
Generally, you want at least 1 plant of 2 different varieties for best pollination. It's not absolutely necessary though, if you'll be happy with a handful or two of berries. And there are some varieties that do well without another plant nearby.
As far as caring for it during the winter inside, you need to keep it in an unheated garage with just a bit of watering and it doesn't need light. You want to keep it as cold as possible without freezing. If there is likelihood of freezing temperatures, just simply cover the plant with an overturned box.
I hope this helps!