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Questions About Yews

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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    July 16, 2015

    Remove all shoots or branches that protrude beyond the base of the tree. Establish a symmetrical round shape at the base, which you can extend up to the tip of the tree, following your desired shape. Remove broken and diseased branches off the tree as well.

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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    September 27, 2015

    If your shrub has not had regular pruning, you will need to start with a lighter prune.

    Here is a link to help you.


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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    April 1, 2016

    The yellowing needles could be water issues, mineral deficiencies, insects, or or a fungus.
    Make sure the shrub is not in overly wet soil and that the area is well draining. The Yew is tolerant of most soil conditions except wet soil.
    Root rot will cause yellowing needles.
    The Yew prefers soil that is a ph of 6.0 to 6.5. Adding chelated iron to the soil can help.
    Lack of magnesium can also cause yellowing needles. You can use magnesium tablets or a fertilizer with magnesium in it.
    A soil test can help you correct soil nutrient issues.
    Black Vine Weevils, scales and mealybugs attack Yew's. Search for insects and treat with Neem Oil if you find these bugs.


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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    May 9, 2016

    The safest time to prune your Yew shrub is winter during dormancy.
    You can also prune in late summer, following their spring, early summer growing.
    Only light pruning is generally necessary, and if you are pruning more heavily, make sure you do not remove more then 1/3 of the shrub at any prune.

    Here are some articles with more information.



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  • Answered by
    LuvaLeigh on
    June 9, 2016

    Yes, they are poisonous. You should contact your physician if you have any concerns about your childs health. Here is a link that will tell you more;


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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    June 28, 2016

    Here is an article about the care of Yews. If you have a more specific question, please let us know!


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