How old will my Winesap apple trees get before fruiting?
Typically it takes 3-4 years before they reach fruiting maturity.
I have a Winesap apple tree that has no branches or buds, I did a thumbnail scratch test and there is green on the trunk, so I am assuming there is life. how can I revive it. what is the best fertilizer to use. It is a 1 year old semi dwarf tree
If there is green, then there is likely still life! I would recommend a fertilizer that is labeled for apples or at least for fruit trees. This will take out the guesswork since there are already fertilizers for the purpose.
This article will give you more information on the care of apple trees:
What apple varieties are best paired with Winesap apples?
It is a triploid variety and needs two pollination partners nearby which must both be of different varieties and able to cross-pollinate each other as well as the Winesap. Red Rome Beauty and Golden Delicious are good pollinators.