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Top Questions About Wedelia Plant

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Questions About Wedelia Plant

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  • Answered by
    GKH_Susan on
    October 14, 2024
    Certified Expert

    Once grass has invaded ornamentals it's a tough job to remove it. Since you have a field, I am assuming this is a large area, which makes it more difficult. Your inclination to use Grass Getter was correct, but the label does not list St. Augustine grass as one that the product kills and it also does not list wedelia as a plant tolerant to the herbicide. Check similar products by other brands and read the label to see if it works on St. Augustine grass.

    If you can't find one, your options are digging it out or, if it is widespread, killing the grass and the groundcover with glyphosate (nonselective herbicide like Roundup) and starting over with wedelia. You also can solarize the soil for an organic option. If it is growing in patches, you could use glyphosate to kill the patches and the wedelia should fill back in. If it is not widespread, digging may be an option because St. Augustine spreads by above ground runners, so it should be easy to pull up.

    Here is more about wedelia and unwanted grass.



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