I have my Jew inside. But had it outside. What do it mean when two leaves looking droopy?This is a cutting. They are toward the top of the plant. Do I pull them off. I have another little plant on the bottom. The rest of the leaves looks ok. This happened a few days after I fertizered it and put a little water. need help monica.
This article will help you with cuttings.
Here is a picture that I didn't have before.
I'm not clear on your question but here is a link with care information.
What is this plant
This is Wandering Jew or Tradescantia fluminensis.
Want to know if they need to be moved indoors during cold weather.
You are in zone 8a and Wandering Jew are hardy in zones 9 or warmer.
You will need to bring indoors for winter in your area.
Our wandering Jew loves the location its in and is beautiful in warm weather but after it dies back in cold months when is a good time to clear the bed of all the dead plant leaves before it begins to come back in the spring? Answer cane be posted to this site but PLEASE EMAIL ANSWER TO ME ALSO.. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
After the last average frost dates, which in your locale is the end of March.
I planted purple heart as a decorative ground cover. Half the time parts of it looks dried out and sparse, but parts of it will bloom and look beautiful. Also, should purple heart be cut back to promote new growth. It's pretty, but looks awful at times.
I think you may be referencing Wandering Jew plants.
This article will help you with care.
Please provide growing/planting considerations for Wandering Jew plant -- how much sun, watering, etc..
This article will help you.