I’ve had a poplar for years taken from my grandparents farm as a very small sapling. The land has been stripped, so no chance of getting another. It did well in town then we built a new house in a woods so I moved it. It started out well, but as luck would have it, bucky found it and riddled it. It sprouted back and I trimmed to save a single trunk. At about 20’ tall a windstorm tipped it over ( the only tree in the woods, wouldn’t you know) and it’s been hanging on. After probably 5 years it’s slowly dying. I’ve tried several methods of propagation, but can’t get a start. It had a couple blossoms this year and I hoped for a seed, but they dropped really early. What’s a sure fire way for a dummy to save it? I’ve kept plant for 40-50 years, but this has got me stumped.
That tree has been through a lot! I commend you for keeping it going so long. Here are tips on rooting tree cuttings. I hope it works.