I want to know about tobacco farming - the full process, the prepration of soil, the fertilizers, the diseases and treatment, its time of plantation and harvesting. How to grow best tobacco?
Nicotiana seems to attract aphids. Is nicotiana toxic to them as they appear to perish on the flower trumpets?
Once up and running, plants are essentially problem-free, though aphids sometimes favor woodland tobacco, and many species are prone to slug attacks in moist, shady sites.
Please advise us consumption rate of golden expanded vermiculite size 0-6 or 2-6mm / hectare for cultivating Tobacco, Almond Trees, Nut Trees,... Type of the soil will be both Clay & also in some parts will be sand. Fabian Martini fmartini37@yahoo.com
Amendment of soil would depend on a soil test.
After a soil test you can determine what soil needs the plants and trees that you are planting require.
Looking for suggestions on how to handle the VERY small Sylvestris Nicotiana seeds. How do I pick up individual seeds in order to sow them? They're too small for a tweezers. Also, when should I sow them in milk jugs (winter seed sowing).
Gardeners often recommend mixing the seed with a small amount of sand. Then use a 1/8 tsp of mix to the top of the soil. A "pinch" will also do. Tiny seeds almost always need light to germinate so do not cover the seeds; just gently press them into the soil. The trick is to not let the soil surface dry out. Unlike many native plants, these do not need to go through cold stratification in order to germinate. You can successfully plant them indoors as they prefer a 70 F. environment for germination which takes 2-3 weeks. Do not put seeds in direct sunlight until they germinate. I suggest an indoor flat with a dome or plastic bag to lessen the risk of surface drying; otherwise you will need to spritz them with water twice daily, depending on how dry and warm it is in your home. Remove bag or dome when most have germinated.
I found this one plant in my garden, is it a weed? Thanks
It looks like nicotiana plant, which is a favorite plant of hummingbirds.