My sister has a Thorns of Christ that she has left outside in direct sunlight with no water. The prickly parts are soft and the branches are brown and were soggy. I have the plant now and I am wondering is there any hope of saving it. This is what I have done so far: I have soaked it for 30 minutes in room temp. water. I repotted it with fresh dirt and gave it plenty of water along with food. I also keep it inside sitting on a stand by the window so it may get sunlight.
This article will help you determine if any part of it is still alive. If it is, you can bring it back:
I have a thorns of Christ plant, and it has not bloomed yet. The stems are still strong, but no new growth has come out. How do I save my plant?
Give it some fertilizer with a slightly higher phosphorus ratio and see if that helps. If you think the plant is dying, this article will help determine whether or not it is dead or simply slow to start: