How can I propagate Texas Sage bushes?
This artcle should help:
Latin Name: Artemisia tridentata Common Name: Big leaf sage I believe this is what I have in my yard in New Mexico. Would it be possible to transplant some to my yard in Texas? Would it need the higher elevation to thrive? Thanks
As long as you provide something that will be more like a desert, yes. It will not survive in fertile soils, or with soil that even remains partly moist. If you do decide to grow this in your yard, make sure that you provide the same environment in which you found it. They will not do well, otherwise.
Here is an article that will help:
Is this bush fire retardant ? I read that it is drought resistant.
It is on the California list of fire retardant plants.
Live in the Texas Hill Country
You can prune them in early spring for shape or cut them back severely to rejuvenate them. Here is more: