How do you divide statice plants?
This article should help:
My statice seedlings (about 3 wks along) are starting to turn brown. Could the problem be too much water? I water with an eye dropper once a day, about 2 full eye droppers full per plant. They seem to be getting adequate light. Should I water once every two days?
Your seedlings have probably been over-watered. You should allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering - you can touch the soil to determine this.
For more information on growing statice, please visit the following link:
How do you collect statice twilight seeds? How do they look like?
I found this information.
At the base of each sepal is a seed imbedded in a membrane. You can simply remove the flowers and by brushing them with your hand on mature flower stock and they will fall into your hand.
The seeds are very tiny!
Can I dig up some adult plants of statice to re-plant in my yard? Also, what is the best in-ground soil type for statice? Thanks.
Yes, you may dig these up for transplant. Just make sure to dig about 2 feet out to make sure you get most of the root mass, so that it can better handle transplant. I would advise mixing in a good organic potting soil to the new area before planting. This will help the plant to survive in its new location.
This article will give you more information on the care of these:
Do cut statice require water in the vase
Not necessarily, but it will prolong their appeal!
This article will help:
Please see the attached pic and tell which flowers(purple ones) are these? Is it possible to grow them at home?
That would be Limonium sinuatum, or Statice Flower!
Here is an article that will help:
I am growing statice and it doesn't look healthy
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through.
They are all hardy in your area, and will not require any special care. Make sure that the soil is allowed to dry out down to about 2 or 3 inches between waterings, or you risk disease from overwatering.
Here is an article to help you care for these very low maintenance plants: