My young carambola tree is showing signs of distress through the leaves and I am not sure what to do. It's got plenty of water and the pH doesn't look imbalanced. The leaves are curling up and falling off. Any help?
My Carambola looked like that in it's first winter when I was overwatering it. The colder it got, I realized, the less water it needed. Maybe temp fluctuation is the problem?
I'm still not convinced because it has seemed to be fine all winter until now, where they've been rapidly drying up and/or curling and then falling off at an alarming rate. I thought that Iron Chlorosis was more of just yellowing that would cause them to drop.
It appears that your young tree has signs of iron chlorosis.
Here is a link with more information.
Do you have suggestions for plants that would give color and provide interesting texture and do well in an atrium in the middle of a house in Miami, Florida? Thank you.
I have always like the Carambola. The Starfruit. This interesting little tree would do quite perfectly in such a controlled environment. They make great container trees, as they remain somewhat short. But will produce, even from seed, at an early age. Usually this is around the 2-3 year mark. These edible fruit are a wonderful specimen for any indoor nursery.
Here is an article for more information:
How can I help this star plant look better?
This article will help you with care of your plant.
e.any advice how to keep it growing to full size? I have pruned the plant anf fed it with fertilizera and sometimes crushed egg shells,banan skin and coffee ground that has been grind.
Immature fruit dropping is actually a common issue and can be caused by a few different things.
This article covers this issue.
This article will refresh you on the care needed for a potted Starfruit tree.
I have a friend who grows starfruit tree. the fruits are giagentic! The color is light yellow but size of the fruit reaches over 5 inches in length and 4-5 inch in diameter. I wanted to extract seeds and start my own tree. I CANT FIND ANY SEEDS INSIDE!!!!! Last year she gave me few fruits and i found only 3 seeds in all. Why don,t they have seeds?!
There are seedless varieties which must be what your friend has. Varieties with seeds contain about 10 to 12 seeds in each fruit. You must plant them quickly when you do find seeds, because they are only viable a short time. Also, fruits grown from seed are highly variable and you may not get a desirable fruit.
my star fruit seeds sprouted they are 3 inches tall but all 5 are in the same pot what should i do
The appropriate thing to do will be to snip all but one, without pulling them out. If you want to try and save them, you can transplant them out into their own containers.
In the future, make sure to start only one seed per container to avoid overcrowding.
Here is an article that will help you to care for your trees: