I have bermuda grass in my backyard, which is 5,000 sq.ft or bigger. There is a large maple tree in the middle. In some parts the bermuda grass is okay, but in other areas it is not flourishing because of weeds and tree. What product(s) do I need to get rid of the weeds and promote the grass? In the front I had St. Augustine - now only about 25% is that with the rest being weeds and winter grasses brought in by the wind. How do I save the St. Augustine?
If they are broad leaf weeds, you can use a broad leaf specific herbicide to help eliminate them. But if they are grass like weeds, you may not have any choice but to either hand weed or consider re-seeding the lawn. It sounds like you may have some underlying issues that are contributing to the loss of the desirable grass, though. Often when weeds set in like that, there is something about the soil keeping the desired grass from growing healthy and then giving the weeds an opportunity to get a foothold. You may find these articles helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lgen/what-the-weeds-in-your-lawn-are-telling-you.htm, https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/soil-types-and-weeds.htm, https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lgen/tips-for-improving-the-lawn-and-reducing-maintenance.htm
How can I kill the Dallisgrass without killing my St. Augustine? The Dallisgrass is taking over my whole yard and we have not been able to find anyone who can give us the correct info on how to kill the Dallisgrass.
Crabgass killer will take care of the Dallisgrass without hurting your St. Augustine grass. Here is additional info that may help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/weeds/dallisgrass-weed.htm
Will grub worms eat and kill Palmetto St. Augustine grass? I know they eat regular St. Augustine grass, but can't find if the Palmetto type is susceptible. Thanks!
Unfortunately, this grass is not immune from grubs. However, if grubs should become a problem, this article has some suggestions that can help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/lawn-grubs-how-to-get-rid-of-grub-worms.htm
I was told that St. Augustine grass will be banned within the next 5 years. Yes?
There are no plans for a 'nationwide' ban on this, but there are some local governments in water stricken areas that feel it should not be planted. These localities will vote independently and you would have to check with your own locality to see if this kind of ban is in the works.
I have a grass fungus that looks foamy. Here is a link to a picture of the fungus https://www.city-data.com/forum/attachments/austin/111477d1368202967-fungus-st-augustine-grass-20130508_171014.jpg Do you know what this is and how to treat it?
This is probably not a fungus, but the nefarious spittle bug. Here's some information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/spittlebug-control.htm
To be sure, you can dig up a sample, including grass and soil, and take it to the local Extension Service. This link will help you locate one: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search/
Last summer my front lawn- St. Augustine - had a tough time in the heat, starting with around the front edge. Got weedy (sprayed twice) and finally no lawn. This spring it doesn't look like it is coming back. It looks dead! What advice, put on new lawn or what?
If you're determined to have a St Augustine lawn, you'll need to consult a turf grass professional or the local Extension Service https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search/
However, alternatives to monoculture grass lawns are becoming more popular all the time: Here are a few articles to start you thinking: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lawn-substitutes/lagen/plant-alternatives-to-traditional-lawn-grass.htm
My yard is surrounded by trees. Very little gets sunlight; in fact, I joke about having to mow my weeds.
St Augustine is not reliably hardy that far north. There are other grass types that could work for you, as well as non-grass groundcovers. This article has more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lgen/growing-grass-shade.htm
Also, here's an article on grass for your part of the country: https://utextension.tennessee.edu/publications/documents/PB1626.pdf