I would Like to grow spearmint plants indoors. I live in India. Are spearmint seeds available in India? If so, can I contact someone for help or information? Please help.
I would do a internet search for herb seeds.
You should have no trouble finding a seed supplier that ships world wide.
There could be issues with shipping seeds though as some countries have restrictions.
You may need to contact Customs to find out if seeds can be shipped to you.
Here is a link about growing Spearmint.
I have a couple of questions: 1. Spearmint plant in 3" pot getting lots of black spots and dying...what is wrong? 2. What is ideal watering in s window in NYC? 3. Using pebbles with water that you suggested, what is the water level in the tray relative to the pebbles; does the pot get any direct water on the bottom?
A 3" pot is quite small and is likely a starter pot.
You may need to repot the Mint, since it does grow quite quickly.
Here is a link with care and growing requirements.
The spots could be do to overwatering. Also if you have treated water it can cause the tips of leaves to darken. Try leaving water to sit 24 hours before watering.
If the spots seem to be spreading, it could be a fungus. Treating with Neem Oil will help. Neem Oil is safe for people and pets and is safe to use on herbs.
Here is a link with more information.
Would spearmint do well under grape vines? Is it safe for the grape vines because of their ability to take over?
No, I would not recommend Spearmint has an underplanting.
The Mint plant is highly invasive, and would best be grown in a container to keep it from invading into--everything!
Here is a link with more information.
I planted spearmint in my garden hoping to deter rabbits. That worked, but now it's taking over everywhere. I had no idea it would be so invasive. Three questions: Can I pull it up? Can I cut it down/back? If I plant it around the base of my trees (where I've never been able to grow anything), and it spreads into the yard, will the cuttings from being mowed take root wherever they land in the yard? I'm afraid I made a HUGE mistake?
Oops, this is a case of solving one problem, but creating a bigger issue.
Just to be clear, many gardeners and home owners have made the same mistake!
This link will help you.
I'm growing tomatoes and peppers in my vegetable garden, but instead of having to use pesticides all the time to ward off bugs, can I use the pungent odors of mint planted next to my tomatoes and peppers to ward off these pests? If so, which one is the better of the two? If you have a better suggestion, please advise. Thanks ! Reggie Johnson
Companion planting with mint and other aromatic plants has some repellent properties, but will be marginally effective for aggressive pests.
Consider spraying with non-toxic botanical pest repellents:
Good water management and building soil fertility with compost and a mineralized complete organic fertilizer will go a long way in pest prevention by enhancing natural resistance.
Don't know where I can find spearmint plants.
Try local garden centers, even your local grocery store generally sells some culinary herbs in pots in their produce section.
If you know another gardener in your area; ask for a cutting and start a new plant.
Mint can also be started from seed; there are many reputable seed companies listed on the internet.