My Thunbergia grandiflora's leaves turn light yellow and then brown and brittle. Why only some leaves do this and others are fine? I fertilize with Miracle Grow and 'iron' fertilizer.
There could be a few reason for leaves or stems dying off.
Is the plants receiving adequate water or to much water?
Is the plant in need of trimming?
Fertilizer applications should be done in spring and fall, not on a continual basis.
Have you inspected the plant carefully for any signs of insects?
Here is a link with detailed growing and care information.
We planted the sky vine in early March - in JAX, FL, and did have a very cold couple night after that. The leaves took a hit and they fell off - but have recovered completely. The plant is doing extremely well in growth and foliage. But we have not gotten any buds or flowers since planting. Could it have been the cold/light frost got the early set buds or is there something else that it needs? Wondering when the buds set for blooming each year?
Most likely the cold effected the buds and blooming for this season.
Also Sky Vine needs plenty of sunshine.
Also you may have to much Nitrogen in the soil. This will cause lots of greens and no flowers.
A lack of Phosphorous can easily be corrected with the addition of Bone Meal.
Here are some links for you.
Information on growing this plant. Is Ohio weather ok?
Sky Vine could be grown as an annual in your garden, but would not winter over in your garden. Sky Vine is hardy in zones 8 thru 11.
Lush green vines but no blooms
Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers that stimulate leaf production at the expense of flowers.
First year....Do I cut it back?
Yes. This will encourage the plant to grow even more vigorous. Have care, though, as these can be a tad bit invasive. Here is an article for more information:
I’ve had my thunbergia for 2 years. It did freeze back last winter but came back strong. Had blooms on it at purchase but hasn’t produced a flower since. On a west facing wall in full sun. Help!
Review the care information in the link below and make adjustments.