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Top Questions About Sedge Plants

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Questions About Sedge Plants

  • Answered by
    MichiganDot on
    February 1, 2018

    It is best to get sedges that are native to your area. Most places in the US have a native plant nursery near them, just do an internet search. Sedges come in various heights, and have varying moisture, sun and soil requirements. Match your choice to your conditions. Even if rated for dry soil, it benefits from some watering the first year during hot, dry spells. Sedge seed is difficult to work with; it doesn't germinate well so most places offer plugs. If you have acidic soil, consider heathers and heaths which also make a nice groundcover. There is also something called Eco-Grass and Eco-Lawn which is a no-mow fine fescue. Make sure it is appropriate for you location.

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