I have Tropaeolum Speciosum growing for the past two years, its flowers had the dark blue berries last year. While it is spreading well this year, there are no blue berries on the flower this year. I know it is really hard to grow so I am concerned if it is dying as there are no berries on it? Thanks for you help, Teresa
I wouldn't think it was dying just because it didn't have berries. Were there flowers? There might be a pollination problem. I couldn't find out much about this plant other than it is native to Chile, is a hardy perennial that blooms all summer, followed by blue berries. It likes sun to part shade, and prefers its feet to be cool or shaded. It is considered a weed in some countries, especially New Zealand. If you are concerned about losing it, there should be seeds that dropped when it bloomed the year before. It is considered prolific and hard to kill because of its rhizomatous root.
I had bought a curry leaf plant from nursery and repotted it. After some days another plant started growing in that pot. One thing I noticed about this plant is it sleeps during the night. All the leaves are closed during night.
This appears to be Talinum paniculatum. Here is a source from an extension service in Texas that has more information on the plant: