I have a very healthy looking white sapote tree that I planted about ten years ago. It has never produced one single fruit. A few years back I did see a few flowers, but they never produced any fruit. In every other aspect the tree is very healthy and about six feet tall. Does anybody know why it isn't producing fruit, or if there is anything I can do make it produce fruit?
Some cultivars of the White Sapote, specifically, are not self fertile, and will require a separate tree to pollinate.
If you notice, both, staminate and pistillate reproductive organs (Both male and female) within a flower, then you can rule this out.
If you are able to rule out lack of pollination, then you will be down to environmental conditions.
This article will help you to know what care these trees require: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/sapodilla-trees/growing-sapodilla-fruit.htm
we can pluck from the terrace of our 2 story bungalow. Can we prune this tree so we can enjoy the lovely fruit, instead of crows, bats, medinahs, cuckoos and parrots? We live in Southern Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Since your tree is so old, I would be very cautious about pruning it now unless it has been neglected for years and has weak branch structure. You can renew it slowly by removing 25 percent of the canopy every year for three years. I'd suggest consulting an arborist before attempting any pruning, especially hard pruning.
Fruit is small in size that cannot be edible
Depending on the cultivar that you have, it looks quite normal! Usually, any drop in quality of fruit can be attributed to environmental issues, or lack of proper nutrition.
This article will address their environmental and nutritional needs: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/sapodilla-trees/growing-sapodilla-fruit.htm
I have a chickoo or sapota tree at home which is about 7-8 years now. We tried keeping it in warm places like rice bags etc. But nothing could help. Please help me.
I am inclined to say that it may be a fertilization issue. The soil could be lacking in phosphorus and potassium, or it could be that there is too much nitrogen in the soil.
This article will help you to know what the tree requires:
three sapote seedlings (grown from seed for fun). The biggest seems perfectly fine. The two smaller ones have this condition where the green leaf appears to be eaten away, top and bottom. Have looked at it with a loupe and don't see any insects. It is inside, in a south window. Putting it outside is not an option. Could someone tell me what is causing it, and whether I should treat it or destroy the plant. Thank you!
This looks to be a fungal infection. This happens from saturated soils, or soils that do not have a chance to dry out down to about 2 or 3 inches, very thoroughly, between watering.
I would treat with a fungicide, and make sure to let the soil dry out between waterings. Here are some articles that will help:
I have this tree for 5 to 6 years, do not get any fruit, it gets very tall over 8 feet, I prune it every year, so I will be able to reach it if it fruits, no such luck yet. Will I ever will get any?
Our experts advise regular fertilizing. This article has the info you need:
I planted 2 cheeku plants already on fruit, this winter emp dropped to 0 for 6 days, its 27 digree for the last one month but leaves are not growing pls see pic
Here are a couple articles that should help. Check on the growing conditions mentioned here: