Someone gave me some Roselle seeds. I live in Buffalo and I know this is a tropical plant. Is it a plant that can do well indoors?
You certainly can start the seeds indoors and move the plant outdoors after danger of frost.
This plant would not do well in an indoor location and wintering over indoors is also not possible.
You can collect seeds again in the fall and start the process over again.
I would like to know information on growing rosa de Jamaica, how big does it get? What type of sun or shade does it like? It's a tropical plant, I believe, that flowers and can be used to flavor drinks, etc.
This article will give you more information on the subject:
My Rosella plants are flowering, opening and closing for a few days now, but suddenly in the morning I see the flowers are on the ground. The plant is a couple of metres high and looks healthy, no drooping leaves and plenty of buds. Any thoughts please?
Make sure it is getting plenty of sun. Also check for insects that favor buds such as thrips, mites, or lace bugs. Bud blast can occur with environmental problems like temperature extremes or improper watering. These articles should help:
I want to be able to grow a roselle plant indoors using LED lights. However, I cannot find any resources that give specific information about what the requirements are for the lights, such as watts. Is there any advice that I can get for this? Thanks!
Generally, YOu will want to try and go for 100 watts per square foot. For example, my indoor tent is 4 by 4, and is lit with 400 watts.
Keep in mind, though, is that not all LED's are created equal. I have, currently, retired a VERY expensive panel in trade for my old MH bulb. Though it was high end, it did not contain the full light spectrum. So, if you do choose LED, then make sure it is full spectrum. Otherwise, plants will not respond as well. Another thing to consider is light penetration. You will need make sure to keep the panel much closer than a bulb. I would use a meter to measure light levels throughout the area to adjust accordingly.
Now for the roselle. As long as you treat it as it is supposed to be then you can be sure that it will grow well indoors. This is native to Africa, so care will need to be tailored to that.
This article will explain the care of the plant: