There is a weed that we ate in Italy. I'd like to know the name of it. The weed grows close to the ground and has oblong leaves that are somewhat thick. We called it Purchiazza in my dialect.
I believe that this is called purslane in English. Here is more information on it:
I need some help please. I bought some purslane to feed my pet squirrels and when I looked it up, it had yellow flowers. The stuff I bought has reddish pink flowers. Is this the same stuff or did I get the wrong thing? The tag says purslane (portulaca) and it has a picture of yellow and the reddish pink flowers.
Purslane actually comes in a variety of colors, which can range from white, pink and rose to shades of yellow and orange. There are even lavender varieties as well as multi-colored types. Typically, wild purslane (which is commonly considered a weed) has yellow blooms while the other types of purslane are nursery grown types that are available in numerous colors.
I have many purslane and portulaca plants. I have had great success in starting new plants with cuttings. What I am having a problem with is getting the seeds from the plants to start growing. I have gathered the seed pods and put them in a grower's mix soil, but they do not germinate. I don't know why. Please help me find a solution.
Are you covering the seeds? Portulaca seeds need light to germinate and should not be covered.
Purselane seeds on the other hand, needs to be chilled for a few weeks in order to germinate.
What does rose moss and purslane look like?
These articles may help:
I brought my hanging patio purslane inside for the winter. I live in Nashville, TN and want to know when I can put it back outside. Thank you!
As soon as the temps outside warm up and remain a consistent 50-60 degrees or more, preferably at night, and the threat of frost/freezing temps. has ceased. The plant needs to be properly acclimated first. It may exhibit some leaf yellowing and dropping while adapting to the new surrounding but this should cease on its own. Here is an article or two that you may find helpful:,
I live in Phoenix, AZ and have a small raised bed (6 X 8) with vegetables planted in it. Once I begin watering, the common purslane pops up all over the bed! I have tried using a pre emergent (organic) to no avail and it grows so fast I can't keep up with pulling it out. Any suggestions as to how to keep purslane at bay?
This article will help with that:
I would like to know what is the difference between lamb's lettuce/corn salad (Valerianella locusta) and purslane? If I look at the pictures, I really cant tell the difference at all. Are they somehow the same? Are they both for eating in the salads?
You can eat both. Lamb's lettuce will have a feel similar to bibb lettuce. Purslane is a succulent and so will feel fleshy, like a cactus or sedum.