Why are my pomegranates turning brown inside? The fruits are big and healthy looking?
Oh no! This sounds like Black Heart Rot! This is terrible news.
There is no treatment, or cure. In fact, not much is known about the disease, other than it is an Alternaria fungus.
Simply, removing old fruit should help out for next year, but you will expect to see more infected next year. Using a fungicide may help some, but you won't rid yourself completely of the disease.
This article will help you understand what is happening to your tree: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/pomegranate/black-seeds-in-pomegranate.htm
this article will help you with fungicide use: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/using-fungicides-in-garden.htm
It is a little late in the year to be transplanting. Spring will be the appropriate time in your area. You may consider keeping it in container until then.
These articles will help:
Would like to grow pomegranate in Nigeria and I need your expert help.
Yes these can be grown in your area. This collection of articles will give you more information on their care:
You are in a zone where all varieties will survive. It will be up to you to choose based on the characteristics that you like. This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/pomegranate/varieties-of-pomegranate.htm
What is the best course of action to take ? They are all 3 years old and everytime I put them outside the leaves curl and they start going brown in patches when I bring them back inside they go back to green again after a rest period. The plants are growing with lots of new sprouts; as you can imagine I don't want to kill them by trying to get them outside
It will be necessary to acclimate the trees, slowly, each day and only for a few hours at a time.
Here are some articles that will help:
I don’t presently have any images to send . The pomegranate season is still about four months away. I’d like to know if there is anything I can do ahead of the fruiting season.
This will usually happen when the tree receives uneven moisture throughout the fruiting season. If it dries out, then suddenly receives watering, this will be the result.
Try keeping the tree evenly moist with only a slight dry out, between watering during the fruiting season.
Sometimes, pathogens can do this, too. The treatment will depend on the culprit.
This article will help:
We moved into this new home Last year our pomegranate tree produced fruit. This year we had 3 or 5 blossoms which dropped. Your site said it needs deep watering which we will do but what kind of fertilizer should we use
This article will help you with their fertilization needs: