My little spurflower is still blooming but I’m seeing scales on some of the leaves. I’ve sprayed the entire plant with Neem Oil and dotted the scales I’ve found on the leaves with alcohol soaked Q-tip but I worry that I will not be able to contain them. Are scales in the soil too? This plant has grown exponentially and bloomed profusely (it still has many blooms on it) and I don’t want to lose this beautiful houseplant. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
It can take a while to get rid of them because their shells prevent the pesticide from penetrating. It must be applied every week for a month or more. This article explains:
I've got a few of these in a large pot. They are thriving, but no flowers. Any tips? and also any tips for keeping them over winter? Should I bring them indoor? Finally should I take cuttings to have an insurance for next year? With thanks and regards Elisabetta
I looked up weather averages for your location and it doesn't appear that you have any freezing weather. In that case, the tops may die down but it should return in spring. It also reproduces from seed, so you should have seed starts as well. You shouldn't have to take in any starts. However, just in case you get a bad winter, you may want to move one of the pots into the garage over winter. Just water about once a month.
Often, a plant doesn't bloom because it isn't getting enough light, or it is getting too much nitrogen. Hold back on the fertilizer and see if that helps.
Here is more about growing plectranthus: