What's the best month to plant pansies? I live in Georgia.
This link provides planting dates for the entire state of Georgia. Your state has growing zones from 6 to 8.
When and where to plant?
These articles will help you with growing and caring for Pansies.
I started some pansies from seed in flats. I kept them in the dark for about 10 days. I got some long white stems with a couple of small green leaves at the end. They looked a little leggy, so I decided to turn the lights on them. I have the lights set for about 16 hours a day. The flats have domes over them. I am keeping the soil warm at about 85 degrees. Now the stems have all fallen. They look dead. The soil is damp so I know it isn't a lack of water. They seem to have started drooping when the lights went on. I need to know what to do to salvage these plants.
As soon as seeds germinate they need sunlight. The pale and leggy seedlings likely did not have the energy to keep going and the change to sunlight was too stressful.
There is also a condition called dampening off, this is a fungus that kills young seedlings.
The good news is you gained some experience and you can easily resow some seeds.
These links will help you.
I would like to purchase and plant pansies in New Hampshire. Where can I find them?
Check you local garden centers and greenhouse.
Big box stores and home improvement stores have garden centers that should stock Pansies for you.
Live on boat at city marina in Charleston SC. Recently planted pansies in pots on dock. Blooming beautifully until went out 2 days ago and flowers gone. Plants still there no flowers. No deer or rabbits here who or what would have eaten flowers??
Unfortunately this could be anything! This is a very nutrition snack for many animals, including humans. You can boil sliced hot peppers in water, and when this cools then you will spray the plants with this. This remedy will keep most pests at bay.
Where can I buy Winter pansy seeds?
You can start pansy seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before you plan on transplanting them. Plant seeds in late winter for early spring and summer flowering, or plant seeds in the summer for winter flowering.
Do an online search for winter Pansy seeds; there are many sources available that can ship to you.
Ideally, these will be planted out in Autumn, and not Spring. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/pansy/pansy-planting-time-outdoors.htm
First you must harden off your plants for roughly a week unless they were outdoors where you purchased them. Pansies can be planted in early spring once the ground is workable - not icy and not super wet. Depending on recent weather, that may be now for PA. Pansies tolerate frost and even a freeze (under 25 F for 4 hrs.)