I have had an oriental poppy plant for many years. It always blooms a couple of flowers, but I thought by now it would have propagated into more flowers. Is there something I should do to it, or is there a perfect soil or location to replant it?
This article should help you with that:
Something is chewing the stem of my oriental poppy, just below the bud, and causing them to fall off. . . what is it, and how can I stop it? Thanks
It sounds like cutworms and this article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/get-rid-cutworms.htm
When my Oriental Poppy goes dormant, can I cut it back?
It may be best to leave them, with exception to the blooms. You can cut back the flower stems to the ground, but I would leaves the foliage alone as the plant will again wake up in fall and begin to put out new shoots. You can then cut back any old, dead growth. Here is more information on caring for these plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/poppy/growing-oriental-poppies.htm
My oriental poppy pods opened and no flowers. They have bloomed in years past. What happened?
This could be due to a nutrient imbalance in the soil - such as high nitrogen and low phosphorus. Try adding some bone meal to the soil to bring up the phosphorus levels and encourage blooming. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/phosphorus-plant-growth.htm
My oriental poppies seedlings are wilting. I planted them in a sterile soil. What's wrong? Planted seeds were in a sterile soil. Five weeks on they are wilting.
Oriental poppies do best in sunny areas in soil that's well-drained. They should not be placed in areas where soil stays wet for extended periods. They also prefer a soil that has a fairly neutral pH. High heat and humidity can cause the poppies to struggle.
You could try one light application of organic fertilizer, but keep in mind that oriental poppies need only one application of fertilizer a year.
They should be fertilized once a year.
For more information on the care of oriental poppies, please visit the following link:
How long does it take for a pod to open into a flower? It has been pretty cold here but my plants seem to be ok. I have about 50 pods but I have to leave for 2 weeks. I am sick to think I might miss this beautiful show.
They look ready to open any day!
Poppies like to open in the cool of spring, after your bulb flowers have faded...so that's generally around NOW!
I would pull up a chair and wait with you if I could.
Here is a great article about Oriental Poppies.
I have two oriental poppies (Turkenlouis) in my garden. They've been there for 3 summers now, growing successfully each year (expanding in size in each, dying back as predicted over the summer, etc). This year, however, and despite lush, healthy looking foliage, I had only one poppy pod emerge! One bloom only! It wasn't a particularly wet spring. Should I thin them out a bit? I know they don't like to be disturbed.
Oriental Poppy seeds need light in order to germinate. Seeds could have been covered or washed away from rain or watering.
Environmental issues may cause more or less flowers from year to year.
Here is a link to refresh you on Oriental Poppy care.