Just purchased your plant stand and wonder how long i should leave the led lights on for orchids
We don't sell plant stands or plants so you may want to contact the seller or manufacturer. Orchids need bright, indirect light. The article below says to keep lights on 12 to 16 hours a day, but it depends on your type of orchid. Here is more:
First time having a live orchid. I see the new stalk growing now. But in same area a growth came out between leaves that is shaped like a worm but it green . Curious as to what this is as several new leaves have formed so it is not a new leaf.
That is an aerial root growing. Here is more:
Here is more on orchids:
How do I save the orchid? It is spreading.
Unfortunately, without seeing the issue at hand, or knowing more about its environment, I can only take guesses. There are several causes, but it might be that the orchids roots are staying wet. In nature, they grow freely between the bark of trees. This means that they are not accustomed to soils, or wet places. They do need humidity, and quite a bit of it, but they cannot remain wet. If this is the case, then it is likely fungal or bacterial rot. Treatment will depend on what it is.
For now, you might try fungicides and giving it proper care.
Inherited an orchid from my Mum seven years ago. It bloomed from one stem except for lthis year when it looked like it was trying with a nneww stem but them the stem dried up and died. Since then I can see a new leaf trying g to come through to replace one dying off. However the air roots see. To bee dying? Have I lost it? What to do. I am not an active gardener/plant keeper but this has sentimental value
Orchids can be tricky if they aren't getting all of their cultural needs met. I don't think you have lost it, though. You do have the new leaf emerging plus new aerial roots. Has anything changed in its watering or humidity? Moved to a new window? Sometimes a change can cause decline. Has the soil been replaced in seven years? Yellow leaves can be caused by overwatering or underwatering. Since the aerial roots are drying up, it could be underwatering or lack of humidity. Here are some articles on caring for an orchid. Compare these tips with your care and see if something has changed or is missing. Also, if you know what kind of orchid it is, we should have an article about it. (https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/orchids)
I need either seed or potting plant of Salep orchid . Will you please guide me as to where I can get these? I am in UK
We do not make vendor recommendations, but here is more on salep orchids. Your best bet would be to contact a local orchid society, orchid grower or do research online.
So my orchid was looking kinda sick so i dug it up and it turns out i used to wrong soil, so i cut off all the dead mushy roots and put it in a proper soil mix, but the leaves are still turning yellow and rolling up. pls help :')
It sounds like you have done what you needed to do. The damage may last quite awhile, and if the roots continue to rot, then it may suffer a worse fate. You might try a fungicide, but proper care will be the only thing that will help, for now.
This collection of articles will offer more information on proper care: