I would like to know if I should cut the stems that bloomed back and how short on my orchid plant.
As long as the blooms have died off, then yes, you can cut back those stems, along with any other dead growth.
The flowers of the orchid have dropped away and the stem is getting brown. How do I care for it so it can reblossom?
These articles should be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/orchids/indoor-orchid-care.htm
I heard there is going to be an orchid show at 1 Hermann Circle Dr. in Houston, Tx. but I can't find any info on this event. It is supposed to be April 21 and 22, 2012. Is this true?
Yes, here is more information: http://www.houstonorchidsociety.org/show.html
I bought a Cattleyas orchid, which had beautiful blue blooms. The blooms have died now and I am wondering how much of the long stem I am suppose to prune. Do I cut the whole long stem off or just the end?
They are not getting enough water. Misting the roots more frequently should help correct this.
My house plants became infected with a strange white fuzzy bug after an orchid that was given to me had died. The orchid also had the bug. I'm not even sure it was a bug or some kind of mold or fungus.
It sounds like mealybugs. This article should help with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/mealybugs-white-residue-on-plants-leaves.htm
At any rate, neem oil can be used to treat the plant, regardless of the pest. Here is additional information that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm
Carefully spray the entire plant, top side and bottom side with a solution of liquid Ivory soap and water. Leave it for the day. After the sun goes down, repeat the process. You can use a bar of Ivory soap to cover thick stems. The next day, repeat the entire process, beginning with removing adults and spraying off the plant thoroughly, and applying soapy mixture twice.
Read more: How to Get Rid of Whiteflies on Hibiscus Plants | https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/whitefly-control.htm
My orchid has stopped blooming, and the flowers have fallen off. The stems look like they are producing shoots. The leaves have fallen off too. Do I cut back the stalks? And how often do I water and when should I expect more flowers to be produced? Many thanks Wendy
All of these questions really depend on what kind of orchid you have. Do you know the variety of orchid you have? We would be better able to help if you can let us know that.