This is a type of oak tree that has been serviced fairly regularly and looks to be doing well. However over the last few years the bark has been coming off at it’s base, as well as the seepage running down it’s trunk. I’ve noticed ants and have been treating the tree area. Are these issues from ants? I’m concerned because this is a large tree and want to mainly it’s integrity.
You could have tree borer damage. I've included info on that below. Also, information about weeping trees and wood rot.
If so, how do I propagate?
Yes, the squirrels do it all the time! Here is how:
I have purchased 3 Quercus Ilex Pleached Trees, which I intend to grow in pots to form a screen in the front garden where is isn't possible to dig holes to plant in the ground. They are 5 foot tall. Is it possible to grow them in pots, if so what size and what compost/soil? I live in Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, sheltered site, partial shade.
These are not normally cultivated in container due to its large size, but with a large enough container, it can be possible. Make sure that the container is at least 2 times the size of the original container, and size up when trees start to seem rootbound.
Live in florida
This will, mainly, be any selection of grasses, but there are a few showy plants that can grow there. One will be the Azalea. This article will offer more information:
h my husband and have ended up with lots of red bites on our body, question is do they carry the oak mite and if yes how long do t hey have this active bug? Never happened before and been here fir 20years
Any oak tree with galls can be a host for oak leaf mites. Here is more:
Tree is on a green in an estate. Occasionally strong winds blow in from coast. Someone said a tree this old shouldn't be staked because of possible root damage from stake and that tropism would cause it to eventually grown straight but I woukd like advice please
Most damage from staking is due to leaving the stake attached too long (more than a season) or letting the tie get too tight and girdling the tree. i don't really think the tree is leaning that much, and it will probably straighten itself out when it gets more weight with branches. This article tells you how to correct a leaning tree: