I have an 8-month-old White Oak sapling and I live in southwest AZ. I am wondering when is a good time to plant it, as it is about 18 inches tall in a pot, has about 12 leaves, and is healthy. I'm afraid that the hot sun would be too much for it now. We keep it indoors, maybe in the fall? I'd hate to lose it. Mel.
While the sun may be harmful, keeping it indoors will be almost as bad as it will have trouble getting enough light. If you can find a shady spot outside, that would be best.
Fall would be a good time to plant. This article will help with getting it established:
We have a huge oak that has apparently lost a large branch on the side of the trunk. It looks like a canker, although I see no fungus. What can I put on the open area to seal the wound?
This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/tree-disease-identification-sooty-canker-fungus.htm
I have these black worms with long whitish strips eating my leaves, mostly on my oaks. You can go out at night and hear the leaves being destroyed. What are they and what can I do? I love my trees.
It sounds like a tent worm of some kind. But regardless of the type of caterpillar, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is effective on most caterpillars. Applying it should take care of the problem.
I have an oak tree about 7 feet from my mobile home. It has big black ants falling out of it, and it is a very large tree. What should I do?
These articles can offer some suggestions: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/get-rid-of-ants.htm
We had a bad storm and our oak tree was hit by lightning. There is a line of bark missing from the tree and it goes all the way up the tree. We have some leaves falling, not a lot, and they are not brown. They are green but most of them look singed or lightly burnt. How can we tell if the tree is dying? Or what symptoms should we look for?
Here is an article that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/what-to-do-for-storm-damage-trees-repair.htm
My neighbors tell me my oak trees are dying, but how can I tell if this is true? They don't have many leaves on them compared to other years.
These articles should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/how-to-tell-if-a-plant-is-dead-and-how-to-recover-an-almost-dead-plant.htm
We live near Chicago and I am looking for a shrub to put in a corner of the yard to hide a telephone pole. I would like it to be at least 8 ft. tall. The corner is shaded and there is a large Oak tree about 10 ft. away. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Not exactly a shrub, but a climbing hydrangea might do well there, either up the telephone pole or on a trellis. Indian hawthorn might work as well. Sky pencil holly would also be an interesting choice.