What is the best way to split up a Moses plant? This is a potted plant, and some of the stems are getting very heavy.
Your Moses plant should be cut back in the fall and at any point on the stem. Pruning will not harm them. It just alters their appearance.
Be careful, as the foliage can irritate the skin.
Do I need to prune or fertilize it? It is 2 years old in my office.
Your Rhoeo plant can be cut back at any point on the stems, as new growth will emerge at the end of the cut stem. Regular pruning keeps a plant full and compact and prevents legginess and excessive growth.
Feed monthly with a balanced fertilizer in spring and summer during active growth.
I just recently purchased the beautiful plant mentioned above from a houseplant section of a garden center. Its coloring was an eye-grabber! I did not realize until I checked online that it was an outdoor perennial. In the meantime, it is in my garden window, a bright north window. Do I need to get it planted outside?
Yes, you can grow this plant indoors. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/rhoeo/growing-rhoeo-plants-in-the-garden.htm
I have a boat lily that due to poor sunlight/soil/watering grew very very leggy, and now have a looong stalk and then really great life at the end. It is struggling to support itself! I can see a little tiny shoot forming right at the bottom of the stalk, but no signs of new growth in the majority of the stalk. Can i cut off the top and replant it in the same pot with the leggy stalk and both sections will survive? Whats the best way to do this?
You can attempt to root the top. Only take just the tip for rooting. About 2-4 inches will do. Put this in its own container, though.
Now, you will be left with a leggy stem. Cut this to just above that new shoot. That will be your new apical stem.
Here are some articles that will help:
It looks like oyster plant or Moses in a basket plant. Here is more about its care: