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Top Questions About Meyer Lemon Trees

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Questions About Meyer Lemon Trees

  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    April 27, 2018
    Certified Expert

    The three things I am going to recommend are things that should be done annually. Apply dolomitic lime, iron sulfate, and a citrus fertilizer once per year, at least.

    This seems like a fungal infection. The sulfur in iron sulfate will kill the fungus, while the iron will go to the fruiting process, while the dolomitic lime provides calcium, magnesium, and carbon.

    It will also regulate the pH of the soil so that it is not desirable for pests, but perfect for plants, all while resolving the issue at hand.

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  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    April 27, 2018
    Certified Expert

    There can be a few causes to this. Cool temperatures, along with a lack of humidity can cause this. So can underfertilization, and pH imbalances.

    I recommend keeping dolomitic lime and iron sulfate handy, and applying this every few months. This will keep the soil healthy, and replenish the most commonly lost minerals to the soil, as well as keep the pH from swinging too rapidly too often.

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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    May 1, 2018

    This article may help get your lemon to properly fruit:


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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    May 8, 2018

    There are some different opinions about removing fruit, but if your tree is small and weak, removing the flowers and fruit for the first 2 years can help the tree grow stronger.

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  • Answered by
    drtreelove on
    June 9, 2018

    Thank you for sending us your gardening question.

    I believe there are multiple factors at play. The bumps on the leaves are characteristic of an early "citrus-scab" fungal infection, but look on the other side of the leaf for possible insect pest. The leaf curl may be related to the scab, or may be aphids feeding and distorting the leaf surface. The discoloration indicates a possible nutrient deficiency, which can cause the plant to be susceptible to pests and diseases.

    If you spray with a botanical like 70% Neem Oil (clarified hydrophobic extract of neem) every two weeks, it will prevent the establishment of insect and mite pests and also suppress fungal infections. (Some other neem products are only insectiicidal not fungicidal) You could add a chelated micronutrient solution to the tank mix. Manage soil fertility with with a citrus-specific fertilizer. Slow release, naturally derived materials are best. Over fertilization with high nitrogen and high salts chemical fertilizer and un-composted manures can have detrimental effects, increasing susceptibility to pests.

    This article will give you some more information on growing a lemon tree in a container:


    Please let us know if you have any other gardening questions and happy gardening!

    Gardening Know How

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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    June 28, 2018

    There can be few reasons for the fruit drop and this article will help you.


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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    July 19, 2018

    There can be several reasons for lack of flowers.
    This article will help you access the plant.


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