While away, my husband over watered my plant. Unfortunately all the leaves fell off. Is it dying or can I rescue it? Please advise.
Unfortunately overwatering may be a death sentence for this pretty plant.
Keep soil moist but well drained and see if you have any leaves start back. If the roots are still viable it may live. Good luck!
I am excited seeing my 2 yr. old medinilla has a bud but also i am seeing very small almost like pollen particles on many of the leaves and stems of the budding area. Is this an insect or what and how to treat???? Thank you for suggestion. Denise Daugherty
Pests are not generally an issue with these plants.
Without an image, it's difficult to tell.
If you do have an infestation, Neem Oil is a good treatment.
Try brushing away the particles you mention or place them on a white piece of paper to help get a better look.
My Mandevilla plant looks very healthy, I have several new leaves. All of the leaves look like they have been dusted with a salt shaker. Very fine white stuff on all leaves but especially on the new ones. Not visible on bottom of leaves but feels a little gritty. Is this a problem?
This could be pests or pest residue. Neem Oil is a good treatment for most pest issues.
It is planted in a large pot and throughout the winter sits in an east facing window. My apartment is quite warm. I have brought this plant outside onto my deck. I live in Toronto and the weather has been very moist. If I can not save this plant is there anyway that I can propagate it? Please let me know and thank you so much for your help! Very few people are familiar with this type of plant in Toronto.
It may be a fungal disease. If all the stalks are brown it may be too late to propagate, which is done by division while repotting. Here are articles that may help pinpoint the problem:
The plant was small when I bought it in flower. It had a tag on it that read “I like it dry”. I grow orchids also. I know not to over water. I followed the instructions that I read about at that time, but it didn’t include misting. I have had the plant for about one and a half years. The wilting began recently. Up to then the plant seemed to do well in a bright location with some other plants like hibiscus and geraniums.
Yes, you can cut it back, but leave one set of leaves on the stalk or it will die back completely.
I had a lovely medinilla in a nice bright room. Firstly it looked like thriving as it gave many new leaves and stems, but then the leaves started curling up and some fell off right at the beginning. Then I have noticed fungus gnats which now for many months I haven’t been able to get rid of. I changed the soil twice in the last six months, used mosquito bits. Didn’t seem to help. I was told that my plant was over watered - but the mosquito bits also need water to be activated. Which makes life hard. Now the plant looks even more miserable; leaves have dry patched in various locations, some fallen off , some stems are limp and the infestation is still there ? How can I save this plant ?
Make certain you are providing its cultural needs. They have specific requirements such as year-round humidity and infrequent watering similar to a succulent. You may be overwatering. Also keep them away from drafts.
Gnats are hard to get rid of but here is an article that should help. Also, keeping the soil dryer will reduce their numbers.
When would you transfer from small seed pot to regular pot for permanent growing
Try soaking the seeds for a few days, changing the water every day.
When the seedlings are 1 or 2 inches tall, you can pot them. Here's an article about how to care for them: