What are the reasons for a lotus not blooming?
These plants often hold off on blooming until their 2nd year. They need full sun (at least 6 hrs) and very warm temps (preferably 80s) in order to bloom.
There are snails that do not let my lotus plant survive. What is cure for them?
This article will help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/organic-snail-control.htm
My lotus has been active for about 4 years. It is in the same pot from when I planted it. I change some of the water regularly and I fertilizer with water pellets every few months. This is the longest it has gone without producing a new leaf. Should I be concerned.
Please include some photos, and I will be glad to help you. There could be many reasons for this happening, but seeing where it resides can help me narrow a few things down.
Please can you teach me how to grow my own backyard lotus... Container, the right soil, how much dirt and how much water etc....I'm a basic gardener but would like help in laymans' terms of how to grow my very own first lotus....thank you
How to care for a lotus plant inside
It will be similar to outdoor care. This will mean keeping the soil saturated, and very bright light. It will, likely, be necessary to use a grow light to help it along through the winter.
This article will help you with the general care requirements of the plant:
My lotus plant is two weeks old ..I germinated them from seeds ..the leaf was torn due to heavy rain will it affect the plant ??
I would remove that since it may provide an entrance for disease or pests. But it should not affect the growth of the plant. Here is more on its care:
I purchased 10 bags of 64 quart potting mix on close out at Lowes for less than $2.00 a bag. I have large containers that I want to plant lotus seeds in. Is it possible to use the potting mix as a "filler" in the pots, and then add 6" of aquatic soil on top of the potting mix, followed by pea gravel or river sand on top of the aquatic soil before adding my water? Would this work? It would cost a small fortune to fill all my containers with full price aquatic soil, I'm trying to cut corners and utilize my inexpensive potting mix as a filler. Thank you in advance for any help!!
This will entail a little more work on your end, but it isn't something that can't be done. Using potting mix as a filler can work if you thoroughly rinse it first to remove excess fertilizers and chemicals. Layering 6″ of proper aquatic soil on top—with pea gravel or river sand as a cap—can create a suitable rooting zone for your lotus seeds while helping maintain water clarity. However, potting mix is designed for terrestrial use, so it may leach nutrients that could affect water quality. As an alternative, you might consider mixing the potting mix with an inert filler like washed perlite or pumice to minimize organic content, or use it only in non-submerged areas. Regular water testing is advised to ensure the environment remains ideal for your plants.