I killed a locust tree by accident. Can I save it? It is turning yellow and it is not a yellow locust. I goofed on my wide leaf spray once and I must have doubled it. I sprayed near the tree for weeds. I really feel bad about it. I am no longer using sprays. Was it because I used my 80 year old brain? Dumb. Our 10 year old locust trees are turning yellow and the leaves are withering.
Unfortunately, no one makes herbicide antidotes that I've ever heard of. The most you can do is continue good care of the locusts, and hope for the best. Hopefully, they didn't get a big enough dose to kill the tree, just to damage the leaves. I'm going to give you an article on less poisonous ways to control weeds: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/organic/homemade-pet-friendly-weed-killer.htm
My neighbor planted two small locust trees close to the property line next to our driveway and where the water lines run. I am somewhat concerned about the roots getting under our driveway and what impact they might have on the water lines. Is the property line a good place to plant a locust tree? Maybe I could convince her to find a better spot on her property if I had information to give her.
Do you know what variety of locust tree that was planted? The maximum height of a locust can range from about 40-100 feet depending on the variety of locust tree.
I would say your concerns might have some validity. Here is a link to a website where it was proven that honey locust trees caused damage to somebody's driveway:
I hope that helps.
I have a 300 ft locust with a double trunk that is split down the middle. Is it safe? The tree is in the back of my yard. I hear it creaking when the wind blows. My concern is will it fall down with a large storm?
Please consult a professional to determine the safety of the tree.
A professional Arborist or a reputable tree trimming company should be able to help you.
How to deal with fungal problem on Robinia pseudo acacia?
If the tree has a fungus disease, I would treat it with a fungicide (Neem oil is good).
I have a weed tree that sort of reminds me of a palm tree, plus there are many, many more small ones growing. We were able to pull out the small ones by hand but the large one is higher than the house and hanging on the roof. Do you have any idea what it is and how do I get rid of it? Any help will be appreciated.
They may be locust trees.
Here is an article that will help you deal with the larger one:
We cut down a golden locust tree last year. Did cross cuts and applied herbicide. Now we are fighting sprouts in our yard 30-40 feet away from the tree stump. We have also drilled holes in the top and sides of the short stump and poured Ortho A-40 down the holes. We have tried digging down next to the stump and pouring rock salt and Clorox there. What else can we do?
You can cut down the sprouts and paint the cut ends with the full strength herbicide. They will take up the chemical through it's system and help kill the main roots. It can take multiple treatment.
I cut down a locust tree and now have little trees springing up everywhere! Will they stop? How do I get rid of?
Here are a few links to help you.