I have a healthy supply of leaves, under a large holly tree, that is near a large silver maple. I think we keep it relativeIly watered. It was a very mild winter around Washington DC. I believe my lilies of the valley are a pink variety. Very few flowers have come out and the ones that did, look shriveled. I have transplanted them a year or two ago because they weren't doing well in the previous location either. What might they need.
The silver maple may be sucking up all the water and nutrients. Also, lily of the valley must be established to bloom and since it was moved, it has to reestablish. Be sure to keep the soil moist but not soggy. You may have to water more because of the silver maple. These articles should help:
It has lots of leaves and looks healthy but no flowers
This article should help:
Is there some type of ground cover I could plant as it is too bare under the Christmas tree? Is Lilly of the Valley suitable?
I usually suggest placing a 2 to 3 inch (5 to 8 cm) mulch layer under trees, rather than plants. Digging under a tree can interfere with its feeder roots which are within 12 inches of the ground. Plants also compete for water and nutrients.
If you have your heart set on groundcovers, Lily of the Valley is suitable, though it is toxic if you have curious pets.
When can i divide these plants up? I know they like shade so aim to plant them under large rambler rose/ I've been told to cut back any greenery to about an inch and plant individual bulbs at 2" distance? I'm going to wait until early september once this hot spell subsides.
Late fall is the best time to plant lily of the valley. They can be divided any time after flowering, preferably fall. Here is more:
Our patch of lilies of the valley is about 25 square feet. It flowers every year but has little fragrance. Is this normal? It is in the shade under an oak tree - in case that might be of any importance.
The tree shade plus cool spring days may prevent the essential oils from evaporating into the air. Also, some varieties of plants are more fragrant than others. Here is more:
6-10 inches long, green, flatish, with white tulip shaped green tinged flowers blooming off of the stalk with their own short stem. I cannot figure out how to send a photo. Thank you!
It sounds like lily of the valley but I am surprised it is used in floral bouquets because it is very toxic! However, it is popular in bridal arrangements. Here is more: