Last fall I cut a dead branch off . This spring it returned
This is common with many blights. The treatment will be, mostly, preventative. You will have to keep all infected growth cut, and treat with lime sulfur, or a copper based fungicide.
These articles will help:
yellow ligustrum - gradual leaf drop affecting five shrubs. Now it's May and almost bare. Will leaves grow back or do plants need to be sprayed?
These are hardy evergreens, and quite invasive in our area. Please be careful with this bush so that it does not invade other yards. Now to address the issue... It sounds like a fungal issue, and I don't recommend copper fungicides. I know that they are the go-to, but they leave the soil toxic, and pose health risks. There are better methods.
You will need a handful DOLOMITIC LIME and tablespoon of WETTABLE SULFUR. Both are inexpensive, and completely safe to use.
Depending on the severity of the issue, though, it may already be too late for your shrub.
These were maybe planted about 2 months ago, full sun planted with Stout Ollie compost. They are being watered on regular basis. The typical bright yellow is fading to a almost white pale yellow and have noticed some browning on the tip of some leaves . They are too new to fertilize having been planted only 2 months ago... Could they be getting too much water? Using mulch as a ground cover.
Fading color and browning of tips could be watering issues. Make sure the soil is well draining. Pull back the mulch to check on the soil moisture levels. Too much water and or poorly draining soil could cause root rot. The brown tips are an alert to this.
Started out with just empty branches.. I thought dead, but when broken off showed still green. Watered ALOT. Still look sickly but branches covered with tiny tiny leaves
It sounds like winter injury. My Sunshine ligustrum had bare branches. Is that what yours is or is it Golden? The fact your leaves started to come back is a good sign. Go ahead and prune out the dead wood. Give it a light application of general fertilizer if you haven't already. Water if rain is not sufficient.
It is about 12 ft tall has light green leavesits evergreen & bunches of white buds on at the moment it isnt a fruit tree & it gets red berries in winter
It appears to be a Ligustrum species. It is hard to say from the photo.
Here are some articles that will help:
I was contemplating placing two 'Wax Leaf Privets' on either side of my front door in pots/containers. I plan on letting them get no bigger than 10 feet tall and was wondering what size pots/containers I should use? Thank you.
I would suggest a 50 gallon container or half whiskey barrel size.
Here are more tips:
It was yellow when we purchased it. We planted it in a large pot for the patio, but the leaves are not yellow any longer.
Is your patio shaded? 'Sunshine' needs almost full sun to stay bright yellow. It gets more of a chartreuse color if shaded.