When should I prune lavatera? Some gardening sites say immediately after flowering. Others say in February. Thanks.
Lavatera is a large genus with a variety of species in cultivation; in addition, it is a member of an extensive family that include hibiscus, hollyhocks, mallow, and many others. This has led to confusion, because many of the flowers look much alike, so one plant is often called by the name of another one. Even among the lavateras there's quite a bit of variation in size and flower time.
This is one big reason you see differing pruning directions.
The other reason is that the plant is so vigorous that, when you come right down to it, it doesn't seem to matter much when you prune it. So one gardener will have good results pruning it in the fall, and another will have good results pruning it in the spring.
I think one thing that could possibly be a concern is winter. The sources I found list lavera as hardy only to zone 6 (-5F), so if your weather gets cold, you probably don't want to prune in the fall.
All that being said, if it were my plant, I would probably do heavy pruning in early spring, although if I needed to keep the plant to a certain size, I would prune back branches here and there throughout the summer.
I am very new to all forms of gardening. My lavatere is 4 ft high and still flowering. It is a new plant bought this year. Will it last over the winter or do I need to cut it to ground level when the frost kills it?
The plant will not last, but it may reseed. You can collect seeds to sow in the spring.
I have a Lavatera newly planted this year.Until recently flowering well and looking healthy. Now I have seen pustules on the underside of each leaf and the plant itself is not as vibrant.I am sending photos. I would be grateful for advice as I was very happy with the plant until recently
This looks like "hollyhock rust" which also attacks other members of the mallow family, like Lavatera. Here is a good article on the disease and steps you can take: https://ipm.illinois.edu/diseases/rpds/627.pdf
When if atal should I cut back my lavetara mallow plant, both plants are growing well and blossoming, any help will be appreciated, margaret
You can cut them back after they die off. Cut dying blooms off as they dry to promote more blooms. Here is an article that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/lavatera/growing-lavatera-rose-mallow.htm
I have four lavatera (Barnsley baby) bushes and it has taken me 3 years to get them to flower. This year all four have given us an amazing display do I cut them back now ready for next year?
It can be grown as a perennial subshrub in warm regions, but it can't tolerate frost. I looked up your weather and I'm surprised your plants survive through the winter. Be sure to mulch them well during winter or grow them in pots and move them to a frost free area like the garage.
They can be pruned down to the first set of leaves in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. This will encourage dense growth. The plants grow quickly so they should be ready to bloom by summer. Also feed with a 10-10-10 fertilizer in spring.
This plant has developed brown pits on the leaves and buds the flowers are ok
It looks like rust disease. This article should help: