We have Juniper planted around our pool and condo. People have told us they have seen rats. We have also been told that rats hide out in juniper. Is this correct?
It is possible that they are woodrats - woodrats like to munch on juniper berries.
Source: http://ag.arizona.edu/yavapai/anr/hort/byg/archive/woodrats2013.html
My juniper shrubs have done amazing for the past year; however, this year they are turning brown and trying to die. Ground was tilled well before planting and watered during drought. What's wrong?
This may be winter burn from the very cold winter suffered across the United States this past winter.
Here is a couple of articles with more information.
Behind our condo there is a row of mature Junipers some may be 6-7 feet tall. They were planted in a tight row to form a barrier to a busy 4 lane road. The one directly behind our condo is about 100 feet from the road. Many are developing brown or dead areas. Is there a way to analyze what is wrong and any possible treatments? They were planted approx in the mid 1980'S. Thanks.
Well cared for Juniper Trees can live 20 years.
Your trees may be nearing the end of their lifespan.
Here is a link with more information.
I have what appears to be salt in the soil. I tested the pH level and it's way over 7-8. The lawn and juniper trees are dying. The color of the soil is white and looks like salt and doesn't dissolve. Please help!
This article may help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/reversing-soil-salinity.htm
If the pH is at 7, it is considered neutral, but anything over this is considered alkaline. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/alkaline-soil-plants.htm
I have had these juniper bushes for a few years. This year many of the limbs are turning brown and look dead. I thought it was a lack of water, so started watering them more frequently, but it has had no effect. It seems to be getting worse. Anyone have any ideas?
This can be a fungus. Cut the brown area away from the plant and even remove the mulch that was around the plant.
Dispose of this material.
Treat the Juniper with Neem Oil.
Does browning of the tips of a juniper bush mean that the plant is not doing well? Is there is some significance to the browning of a juniper at the tips?
This is likely a fungus issue.
Follow the care and treatment as indicated.
Here is a link with more information.
I pruned several Junipers in my yard in shorts. Wherever the plants touched my skin, I had a horrible reaction. Poisonous glue like substance seeped into my skin. I have to use my fingernails to remove - not easy at all. This has been a nightmare after 5 years! I have been to 18 dermatologist and none have helped. Any suggestions?
I cannot speak to your reaction to the sap, but recommend covering arms and legs with longer clothing and wearing gloves when trimming plants or pruning.