Can the sprout at base of jetropha tree be removed and made into another tree?
Cuttings or seeds are the best methods of propagation.
It is best to remove these suckers from the base of the tree.
I have a two year old Jatropha bush appears very healthy, blooming nicely. One side of the bush has leaves that are turning a brownish maroon color on their edges, but not drying out or falling off.
That could be a sign of a nutrient deficiency. A soil test would help.
Hi. Do you know what plant this is? Thank you.
The closest plant I have found is the Jatropha curcus tree.
the flowers and leaves are dying and there's a sticky residue on them. What is this and how can I treat this?
This appears to be mealy bugs! This article will help you to treat the issue:
HI, I bought my dwarf jatropha this Spring. I live in central Florida. It looks really healthy, with good green leaves and continuous flowers. It has only two thin trunks, parallel and it does not show any branch yet. It was a bit over one foot when I bought it and now it is over three feet, I think. Should I pinch it or prune the top or anything to favor a healthy growth now that fall is coming (Florida fall, of course, not too cold) or I can wait until next Spring? I would like it to grow as a small tree, not as a shrub. Thanks!!!!!
If you would like to grow it as a small tree, you should do everything in your power to prevent the tip from getting pruned. Once you do that, it will start branching at the cut, destroying the apical leader stem. It will become a shrub.
If you want it to be a small tree, make sure to allow that leader to grow, while keeping all others cut away, closer to the ground.
Keep in mind, pruning in this fashion may reduce natural crop load, significantly. Allowing it to form a shrub, as it would in nature, will increase production.
Here is an article that will help:
please help...tree has leaves/flowers only on ends.
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. It sounds like the tree suffered an infection of some sort. This is common with overwatering during establishment, unfortunately.
I would treat with copper based fungicides, and be sure to only water during drought, as this tree will tolerate a bit of dry weather. Here are some articles that will help:
o save it? The tree was well established prior to the freeze, a good 8 feet tall & healthy.
If the branches are still green and pliable, then all you can do is wait, unfortunately. Do your best to ensure that the tree receives perfect care, and does not experience ANY extra stress that may finish the tree off.