Should I cut the growth back to ground level on my Jacob's Ladder in the fall, as I do with my Hosta garden?
You can do this, but I recommend only taking off dead growth, or what you have to. This will help control plants that are a little out of control. Here is a link that will give you more information:
I've native Jacob's Ladder in my garden. I've read that it only lives two years and comes back from seed, is this true? Because it appears mine has been there 5 years. I can't find any info about cultivating the native variety and I hesitate to use the info for whatever the common plant is, because I don't want to kill it. Can I divide this as for the common plant?
If you have five, I would try dividing one and see how it goes. I didn't find anything about dividing the native online. This article has a lot about the perennial and says it produces every two years.
Hello, I've had this variegated Jacob's Ladder in a terracotta pot for over a year or so. I had to travel overseas for a month in January and when I came back it was completely dried up. Now I've had this happen before and all I did then was water the plant until it came back. This time around has been over month and the plant has not recovered. The roots are actively growing but the center of the plant has died. I'm not sure if a new center will be able to grow at this point. I'd appreciate any advice I can get as it's one of my favorites and I'll try everything before giving up on it. Thank you, A concerned plant Dad
There isn't a lot that you can do to bring one back if it is dead, unfortunately.
Since the roots show some sign of life, then treating as you would when it is alive can help. I don't, usually, recommend specific products, but ThriveAlive makes a Vitamin B1 supplement (For plants, not blended for humans) that can help with recovery. It isn't a guarantee, but it may help.
Here is an article that will help you with the care of the plant:
Thank you for the advice! I will try the Vitamin B1 supplements and see if it helps. The roots keep growing so I still have some hope.
Hi, I've had jacob's ladders for many years without problems but a few years ago they started, at first I had standard jacobs ladders with blue/purple flowers and light leaves but somthing crossed with them and the flowers came out almost white. I didn't think much at the time but for the last two years I've been getting malformed leaves and little flowering/growth. I replaced them with a new one (dark leaves) this year but after flowing once it has exploded with massive light coloured leaves. have I got a virus? what is up and what can I do? they grow elsewhere in the garden without issue.
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to see the damage to diagnose it. You can try contacting your local agricultural agency at this link: