I have window boxes and raised planters that were full of beautiful impatiens and now they are just stalks.
It actually looks like you have quite a bit of plant material left.
Move it to a safe area.
Trim the damaged and broken stems and give your plant some time to recover.
Have had great results planting in this area. Other plants in same area doing fine. Problem started at one end and progress to other. Took about a week.
It may take some further inspection on your plant and the growing area.
These articles will help you.
I planted 15 sun impatiens and 8 large geranium plants. Something ate all the petals and left the leaves undamaged. It was like they were eating a salad. No bug would leave so many plants otherwise undamaged and so neat. Help!!!
This would usually be caused by rabbits or deer. These culprits will destroy plants completely, although I'm more likely to believe that it was rabbits, since they were choosey about which parts of the plant that they ate. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/animals/keep-rabbits-out-of-gardens.htm
why won't my double impatient blooms open up?
This is, actually, quite a bit complicated. There are several factors affecting their bloom.
Fortunately, this article will help you to pin down, exactly, what is going on: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/impatiens/no-flowers-on-impatiens-plant.htm
In the same area flower petals are eaten.
This article will help you.
at least three years since they were planted there. What other flowers would be a good substitute for impatiens if I can't replant them there. Impatiens are so showy and have such an abundance of flowers all summer. I really miss them.
It's best not to because of replant disease if you are sure your plant died of a fungus and not a cultural problem. The article below explains more.
You could plant your impatiens in pots and set them on the same place or remove the questionable soil and replace with fresh soil and plenty of compost.
Other plants that could go there would need to be shade tolerant (I'm guessing this is a shady place.)
I love the balsam but have had problems with them growing too tall and am having to stake and tie them, can they be pruned to reduce height? I don't want the stop flowering but they get really unruly before I can harvest the seeds.
When they start getting too tall, just cut them back a few inches after a flush of bloom. Deadheading can help if you pinch off a couple of inches when you remove the faded blooms.