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Top Questions About Homalomena Plants

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Questions About Homalomena Plants

  • Answered by
    theficuswrangler on
    March 10, 2013

    Would this be an aglaonema that never gets out of the house? (Just a little joke, I'd never heard of homalomena until I did some research just now, although I have seen things referred to as emerald gem in limited numbers, but they never did very well in interior landscaping.) Your statement "in bad shape" doesn't really describe what was wrong with the plant when you got it - was it too dry and wilted, or too wet and suffering from root rot, or did it have an insect infestation - when you have a plant with something wrong, you need to determine what the problem is before you start doing things. However, since you've already repotted, the best you can do now is to not let it get too dry, or stay too wet, keep it out of bright sun, and cold drafts, and hope for the best.

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