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Top Questions About Heirloom Tomato Plants

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Questions About Heirloom Tomato Plants

  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    September 18, 2012
    Certified Expert

    Normally if tomatoes will not ripen, it is an issue with the temperatures and time. Tomatoes need heat to ripen (though not too high) well and if they don't get that, they may stay green for some time. If it has been cooler than normal in your region, this is likely the reason behind the green tomatoes. However, with a little time and patience, they will eventually begin to turn color and you will be able to enjoy them. If your tomatoes are getting quite large and you are afraid they will either die or you simply cannot wait, then you can ripen them yourself. Here is more info: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/how-to-turn-green-tomatoes-red-how-to-store-tomatoes-in-the-fall.htm

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